Victor Torres

Stock Photographer, Madrid, Spain

โ€œFirst I used PayPal, but I changed to Payoneer because they offer more possibilities to collect payment, and their service fees are also lowerโ€

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Collecting royalties in euros, dollars and pounds from agencies outside Spain.

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Payoneerโ€™s payment solutions for receiving royalties from agencies worldwide in a fast and reliable way.

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Payoneer offers a versatile and flexible service that allows me to collect my royalties quickly from photo agencies worldwide.

The problem is that all relevant photo agencies are outside Spain”

My name is Victor Torres

I am a graphic designer by profession, and Iโ€™ve been working as such for the past 20 years. Currently, I devote myself exclusively to stock photography for advertising (image banks) and to editing the blog I also provide training courses for photographers.

Photography has always been there, by my side, since I was little. My father was very geeky and always liked to buy the latest technology, so I took advantage of that. I took my first photographs with a Yashica FX3 Super analog, but as a teenager with limited funds, spending money on processing, enlargements, etc., was a luxury I didnโ€™t have, and I put photography aside for a long time. I studied Commercial Art, and it was there that I took my first course in photography. I learned to develop black and white film and to understand the art of chemical processing.

In 2007, I began to combine my career as a designer with my passion for photography and thus became a commercial stock photographer. My coursework helped me to approach photography in a commercial environment, which ultimately helped me to create a success with micro stock.

After a process of understanding the industry (learning what kind of photos to take, how to prepare and label them, etc.), I began to dedicate much more time to it because I saw the potential it offered. It was an activity I could combine with my regular work and that allowed me to progress in my career.

The stock photography business is very simple: all you need is a camera, a computer and an Internet connection and you can work from anywhere. The problem is that all relevant agencies are outside Spain, so you receive royalties in euros, dollars and pounds and need a fast and reliable way to collect my money.

Payoneer allows me to collect my royalties quickly from photo agencies worldwide

First, I used PayPal, but I changed to Payoneer because they offer more possibilities to collect payment, and their service fees are also lower.

I heard about Payoneer for quite some time, but until I inquired more about its service, I didnโ€™t realize it was the perfect solution for my business activities. Payoneer offers a versatile and flexible service that allows me to collect my royalties quickly from photo agencies worldwide. I can withdraw the funds from ATMs or use it for everyday purchases online and in stores in Spain.

Itโ€™s a real help knowing that your business is backed by a quality company such as Payoneer. The Payoneer platform is easy and managing payments is very quick, so I donโ€™t need to spend much time on it, and can concentrate on developing my business instead.

I must praise Payoneerโ€™s customer service and the efforts made especially to accommodate entry in the sector where I work: Stock photography. In this industry, many thousands of photographers work worldwide, certainly making it one of the most prosperous and expanding crowdsourcing businesses.

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